
June 15, 2024

Indian Rock Park

Remains of Indian Rock Park, 2020

The Marietta Daily Times, Tuesday, June 25, 1935, page 1:

Washington County to Have New State Park in Warren Township on State Route 7

Washington County is to have a new state park and it will be located on the Ohio River bank in Warren Township, fronting on state route No. 7. It will contain 15 acres of land directly overlooking the lower end or finish section of the crew race course. It will be constructed on property now owned by the United States government and under direct control of the Department of the Interior. Muskingum Valley Chapter of the Izaak Walton League is the direct sponsor of the undertaking with Edwin P. Rinehart and his associates in charge of the enterprise.

Few people remember that many years ago, when the original surveys for dam No. 18 on the Ohio River were being made, the government tentatively decided to place the improvement at the head of the island a short distance from Moore’s Junction, and to provide a site for the power house, locks and the attending structures it purchased 15 acres of land on the river front.

The United States Engineers and the War Department later decided that the location at Briggs was a better one and the dam finally was given that location. The extra site as originally purchased, was kept by the government.

Learning of this state of affairs the Waltonians in Marietta set about recently to secure it for a state park. They enlisted the aid of B. J. Hill, chief of Inland Lakes and Parks in Ohio, and one of the leaders in the Buckeye division of the Isaak Walton League of America. He saw at once its possibilities and after a brief survey endorsed it.

 Agreement Reached

Quietly the negotiations with the federal government have been carried through and an agreement has been reached.

The park will have a frontage of more than 1,000 feet on the river, and it will be skirted by state route No.7 which is one of the more picturesque of all the state roads in southern Ohio. Much of the land included in the park lies high and commands wonderful views up and down the river. It is splendidly situated for picnic purposes, and once it is improved and placed under the supervision of the regular foresters of the state park services it is expected to prove attractive.

There is considerable natural shade on the ground at the present time and it is proposed to augment this with additional plantings. Suitable shelter houses will be constructed, standard park furnaces for picnic parties will be built and it will be made an ideal recreational center. Fine bathing beaches will be available directly in front of and as a part of the preserve, and there will be boating facilities at all times. It is said to be possible that additional acreage along the bluffs overlooking the park may be obtained by its sponsors.

Members of the Muskingum Valley Chapter of the Isaak Walton League will make a detailed report of the new enterprise at that meeting.

The Marietta Alumnus [Marietta College], October/November 1939, page 19:

As a memorial to the late Harold B. Youmans, ’23, landscape engineer of the tenth district of Ohio State Highways, the employees of his district have erected a plate at Indian Rock Park near Belpre, Ohio, with the inscription as follows:


Dedicated to

Harold B. Youmans


State of Ohio

Department of Highways

The name, “Indian Rock Park,” was suggested by Mr. Youmans who had designed the roadside retreat following his research relative to the local history of the region.

The Marietta Daily Times, May 29, 1961:

Indian Rock Park To Be Abandoned By Highway Dept.

Indian Rock Park, one of the most popular picnicking areas in the Marietta area, will be abandoned by the state highway department.

The state offered to let the roadside park's facilities remain if the county would take over maintenance of the area below Mile Run, but County Commissioners William T. Wiant, Guy Mendenhall and Harold Goddard turned down the offer.

Max R. Farley, division deputy director for the highway department, pointed out in a letter to county commissioners that the park is no longer on Ohio 7. Skyline Drive now takes the highway above the park. Old Ohio 7 is now a county road.

Farley explained that the purpose of roadside parks is to serve the traveling public, but the park in question is used mostly for local or near-local picnicking. He said it is not proper to continue to use state highway funds for its maintenance.

Farley indicated that the park would be abandoned soon unless a way is found for it to be maintained.

June 10, 2024

Meet the Times' Rural Correspondent

The Marietta Daily Times, January 26, 1957


Meet The Times’ Rural Correspondents

Mrs. Bertha Hall, wife of Lewis Hall of Constitution, has been reporting news of her community for The Times since June, 1955.

Mrs. Hall takes an interest in church activities being a member of the woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Constitution Methodist Church and a member of the Ladies Aid Society of the Cutler Chapel United Brethren Church.

The Times’ correspondent from Constitution collects Indian head pennies as a hobby and also enjoys flowers and gardening in addition to her housewife duties.

Persons in the Constitution area with news items of interest to friends and readers are asked to telephone Mrs. Hall, FR 3-2683.


Sunday services at 9 a.m. and Sunday School at 10 a.m. with the Rev. Roy Wigal in charge of Worship Services.

News Notes

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carpenter and children of Hocking Road visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall.

Mrs. Laura Adams and Gordon Prunty and daughter of Marietta visited Sunday afternoon at the Ralph Hall home and at the Lewis Hall home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Tullius are the parents of a son born Jan. 18. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tullius.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall and Ralph Hall and two sons were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Masters Sunday.

Clarence Roush of Westview visited Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Helen Roush.

Constitution News - 1952

All items are from The Marietta Daily Times

Thursday, February 7, 1952:

Bible School will be conducted at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m.

Mrs. James Blue attended the circuit missionary meeting at the Lamb home in Barlow Tuesday.

Mrs. David Gaskins and children of Marietta spend last week with her cousin, Mrs. Ralph Hall.

Mrs. I. H. Weaver, Mrs. Blanche Noland and Mrs. James Blue visited Sunday afternoon at the Lloyd Noland home in Marietta.

Plans have been made to hold the postponed Live Wire supper at the Virgil Rhodes home Feb. 13.  Remember 206 Curtis Terrace, Marietta, Wednesday evening, Feb. 13.

Mrs. Mary Coffman and Mrs. Nettie Deem of Tunnel visited Mrs. Myra Ganoe Tuesday.

Max Turrill has moved his family to the house formerly occupied by Ralph Wilson at Lock 18.

The daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Denton recently has been named Deborah Elaine.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward visited Sunday at the Ralph Hall home.  

Wednesday, February 20, 1952:

Bible school at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m.

Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Mayes of Columbus spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Turrill.

The baby born to Mr. and Mrs. James Wilhelm in Memorial Hospital Saturday has been named James Edward. Grandparents are Mrs. Helen Roush of this place and Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm of Marietta.

Mrs. I. H. Weaver and Mrs. Blanche Noland spent Saturday night at the Lloyd Noland home in Marietta.

One of the pleasant events of the Valentine season was the supper served at the Virgil Rhodes home in Marietta, Wednesday evening, sponsored by the Live Wire Society. The decorations were in keeping with the occasion. Marietta friends met with them and a free will offering was taken.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and family visited at the Otis Gaskins home in Marietta Sunday afternoon.

The Rev. Lester P. Taylor of Barlow called Saturday afternoon at the Weaver Noland home.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lincicome of Akron came Saturday for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitts, and other relatives. 

Friday, February 29, 1952:

There will be preaching at the Methodist Church Sunday at 9:20 a.m.  Bible School will follow this service.

Mr. and Mrs. George Masters and family of Marietta visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall Sunday.

Word from Miss Julia Kunz, who is in Memorial Hospital, recovering from a broken hip, is satisfactory.

Mrs. I. H. Weaver, Mrs. Blanche Noland and Mr. Lloyd Noland were in Parkersburg Saturday. 

The former spent the night at the Noland home in Marietta.

Mrs. Garnet Owens and Mrs. Ruby Harris of Parkersburg called on friends here Tuesday afternoon.

Friday, March 7, 1952: 

Bible school at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m.  Preaching at 2:30 p.m.

Miss Helen Weaver of Columbus came Thursday to spend the weekend with her mother, Mrs. I. H. Weaver. Sunday dinner guests at the Weaver – Noland home were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noland and children of Marietta and Miss Helen Weaver.

School has been closed since Thursday owing to the illness of the teacher, Mrs. Oliver Robinson, of Marietta.

Mrs. Mary Coffman, Mrs. Dorothy Coffman and two children of Tunnel called Tuesday afternoon on Miss Mabel Reid and Mrs. Myrna Ganoe.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ritchie and children of New Jersey came Saturday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ritchie.

Mr. and Mrs. James Wilhelm and son, Eddie, spent Sunday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Helen Roush.

Miss Agnes Francis visited Mrs. Doris Jean Adams of Hocking Road Saturday afternoon.

Tuesday, March 25, 1952:
Bible School will be conducted at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m. Preaching at 7:30 p.m.

Mrs. Burl Nelson, Mrs. Ralph Nelson and Mrs. James Blue attended a revival meeting at the Beech Grove Methodist church Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turrill spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Turrill.  A family dinner was served to 25 of his relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Mayes of Columbus came to visit her brother, Jack, who was home on leave from Camp Breckenridge, Ky.

The Live Wire Supper at the Mrs. James Blue home was well attended and a generous free will offering taken. Plans were made for a homecoming at the church May 11.

Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Turrill are spending Sunday with relatives in Columbus.

Mrs. Ralph Hall spent Friday in Marietta visiting relatives.

The Halo Standard Oil Service Station which has been closed is reopened after repairs were made.

Friday, April 4, 1952:

Bible School will be conducted at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Turrill and son spent Sunday in Wheeling.

Mrs. James Blue was a dinner guest at the Clemens Coffman home at Tunnel Tuesday. She and Mrs. Coffman attended the Barlow circuit missionary meeting at the Taylor home at Barlow and called on Miss Julia Kunz at Riverview. Miss Kunz recently returned to her home from Memorial Hospital where she was treated for a fractured hip.

Willard Weaver and his mother were business callers at Belpre Monday evening.

Mrs. James Blue entertained at her home Wednesday with a stork shower for Mrs. Nelda Hall.  Present were Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Phillips and son of Marietta, Mrs. Hilma Turrill and children, Mrs. Helen Turrill and son, Mrs. Beatrice Callihan, Mrs. Bertha Hall, Mrs. Mabel Goodwin, Mrs. Willard Weaver, Mrs. Hall and children, Mrs. Frank Cunningham, Mrs. Blanche Noland, Mrs. Hester Hunter and Mrs. Helen Roush. 

Wednesday, April 16, 1952:

Bible School will be held at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m.

Easter services at the church were well attended. The Sunrise service was especially inspiring.  Patsy Mayes lead and Evelyn Rhodes read the scripture at the fellowship meeting after Sunday School. Rev. Mr. Crawford and daughter were present. The afternoon meeting was featured by the children.  Rev. Mr. Taylor gave an impressive sermon at the Sunrise Service.  Delbert Balderson united with the church.  An invitation was given by Rev. Mr. Taylor to attend the homecoming at this church Sunday, May 11.

Mr. and Mrs. Harley Noland and children of Charleston, W. Va. visited relatives here and in Marietta Saturday.

Miss Irma Ritchie is out of school this week with the measles.

Visitors at the Rollie Callihan home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Pitts of Marietta and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pitts of Sandusky.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lincicome of Akron visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitts and other relatives here and in Marietta.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noland and family of Marietta visited Sunday evening at the Weaver – Noland home.

Willie Roush was out of school last week because of mumps.

Mrs. George Masters and children of Marietta attended church services here Sunday afternoon and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall.

Miss Mabel Reed is spending this week with her aunt, Mrs. Myrna Ganoe, who has been ill but is improved.

Friday, April 25, 1952:

Bible School at the Methodist Church will be held Sunday at 10 a.m.  Worship services will be at 7:30 p.m.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ritchie have received word that their son, Sgt. Melvin Ritchie, has landed in Korea.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall and Mrs. Laura Adams visited in Athens Sunday.

Rufus Roush of Pinehurst called on Mrs. Myra Ganoe at the Mabel Reid home Sunday.

A business meeting will be held and supper will be served at the home of Mrs. James Blue April 30 sponsored by the Live Wire Society of the W. S. C. S.

Willie Roush was in Marietta Friday taking the eighth grade test at the high school.

Robert Ritchie has returned to Marietta High School after recovering from measles.

Mrs. James Wilhelm and son of Marietta spent Thursday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Helen Roush, and called at the Mrs. James Blue home.

Sandra Sue and Larry Ritchie are recovering from measles.

Mrs. Blanche Noland was a business caller in Belpre Thursday.

Friday, May 9, 1952:

 There will be homecoming at the Methodist Church Sunday, Mother’s Day.  Bible School will be conducted at 10 a.m. Harold Roberts in charge. C. B. Riffle will have the Study period.  Rev. Lester P. Taylor will speak. Basket dinner at noon at the church.  The afternoon will be given to children’s exercises and speaking by men who have helped during the years in keeping their church active. There will be a history of the church read by Mrs. Blanche Noland; song by the Riffle Sisters. An offering will be taken to help close the conference year.  All those interested or belonging to this church are asked to be present.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Plummer of Lockmere, N. H., and son of Austin, Tex., spent the weekend at the Weaver – Noland home. They attended a dinner at the Lloyd Noland home in Marietta Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall spent Sunday at the George Masters home, Marietta, celebrating Mrs. Masters’ birthday.

A study period was enjoyed by the Barlow Circuit Missionary class at the Mrs. James Blue home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Coffman and Mrs. Ada Hanna sang a duet and lunch was served by Mrs. Blue assisted by Mrs. Lois Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Mayes have moved to Columbus where he is employed.

The supper at the Mrs. James Blue home Wednesday, although not largely attended was an enjoyable affair. Gerald Henry, home from Korea on a furlough, and wife of Marietta, attended.

Friday, May 16, 1952:

Homecoming Sunday Is Well Attended

The homecoming at the Methodist Church Sunday was well attended.

Rev. Lester Taylor spoke in the morning and there was a basket dinner at noon.

The children had a short program to open the afternoon session and Rev. Mr. Pranscome of the Cutler Chapel U. B. Church offered a prayer. Rev. Mr. Weed of the Norwood Methodist Church of Marietta spoke in the afternoon. He was pastor when the local church was built in 1915.

A history of the church was read by Mrs. Blanche Noland.

Present were Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Riffle, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Coffman, Mrs. Walter Nedro, Mrs. Freda Lincicome, Mrs. Sallie Pitts, Mrs. Ralph Nelson, Donald Blue, Mrs. Burl Nelson, Mrs. Weaver, Donald Brookover, Fremont Coffman, Mrs. Blanche Noland, Rev. Mr. Weed, Mrs. Hilma Turrill, Mrs. James Blue.

Church Services

Bible School will be conducted at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m.


Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lincicome and son, Glen, of Akron, came Friday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitts, and other relatives.

Friday, May 23, 1952:

Bible School will be conducted at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m. Worship services at 7:30 p.m.

The daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall at Memorial Hospital, Marietta, on May 19 has been named Janet Elaine. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall of here and John Pratt of Morganville, W. Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weaver of Roselle, N. J. arrived here Wednesday from Pittsburgh where they have been visiting their son, Seldon Weaver. Miss Helen Weaver came from Columbus and spent the weekend at the Weaver – Noland home.

Frank Baker of Parkersburg visited Sunday at the Ralph Hall home. Other visitors were Mrs. Otis Gaskins and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gaskins and family of Marietta.

Mrs. James Wilhelm and son of Marietta spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Helen Roush.

Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Mayes of Columbus spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Turrill.

Mrs. Willard Weaver and brother, Dwight Hayes, went to Chillicothe Sunday to visit their mother, Mrs. J. Hayes.  She returned with them for a visit.

Mrs. Hester Hunter spent the weekend in Columbus. 

Thursday, May 29, 1952:

Bible school at the Methodist Church Sunday, June 1, at 10 a.m.

Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Callihan and family of Zanesville visited at the Helen Roush home Sunday.

A program given at the school house Friday evening in connection with the closing day exercises was well attended by parents and visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Phillips and Johnnie, and Mrs. Edith Nedri of Marietta attended church here Sunday evening.

Rev. Lester R. Taylor preached his last sermon here Sunday evening before going to general conference at Lakeside.

Mrs. Blanche Noland, Mrs. I. H. Weaver and Willard Weaver were business visitors at Belpre Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and children spent last week at the Lewis Hall home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weaver left Wednesday for Pittsburgh where they will visit at the Seldon Weaver home before leaving for their home at Roselle, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. George Masters of Marietta visited Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall.

Lew Francis moved his family to the George Master’s farm at Marietta. He has been living at the Robert Morris home.

Mrs. James Blue attended the Missionary Study Class at the Harry Witham home in Fleming Tuesday. 

Thursday, June 12, 1952:

 Bible School will be held at the Methodist church Sunday, June 16, at 10 a.m.

Mrs. Edith Phillips, Mrs. Sallie Pitts and Mrs. Denver Pitts shopped in Parkersburg Saturday.

Commencement exercises were held here Wednesday for William Roush, Pat McVay, Lyle Berry and Jannett Kally.  They will enter high school this Fall.

Mr. and Mrs. Denver Pitts, Mrs. John Pitts, Mr. Jules Pitts and Mrs. James Blue attended commencement exercises in Marietta recently.

Mrs. Blanche Noland went shopping in Marietta Saturday.

A party was given for Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taylor and children at the Mrs. James Blue home Wednesday evening by the Methodist Church people before they leave for conference.  Refreshments were served by those present.

Mrs. Lucile Hoffman and two children, Joan and Jackie, arrived Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. Blanche Noland, and other relatives here.

County Treasurer H. H. Myers preached here Sunday.  An offering was taken for the Gideon Society.

Friday, June 20, 1952:

 Bible School will be held at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m.

Mr. and Mrs. David Gaskins and family and Mrs. Otis Gaskins visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Green visited at the Lewis Hall home Sunday.

Mrs. Clara Weaver, Mrs. Lucile Hoffman and daughter, Jan, and Mrs. James Blue spent Thursday in Marietta.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Berry and daughter, Mildred, visited Sunday at the Cecil Ritchie home.

Lee Kellar, Walter Brewer, Allen Hoffman and Mike and Helen Weaver arrived from Columbus Friday evening and were supper guests at the Weaver – Noland home.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hoffman and children, Joan and Jackie, Mrs. Clara Weaver, Mrs. Blanche Noland and Mrs. Helen Weaver went Saturday to visit at the Harley Noland home in Charleston. They had a picnic dinner in the park there Sunday and returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. Blanche Noland and Joan Hoffman visited with Harley Noland at Charleston Wednesday.

Friday, June 27, 1952:

To Attend Convention

Bible School at the Methodist Church Sunday at 9:30. Following, members will go to the Warren Presbyterian Church where they will attend the Sunday School Convention. Sermon by the Rev. A. W. Campbell at the Methodist Church will be given at Constitution.


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and children visited Sunday with her father, John Pratt, at Morganville.

A. W. Campbell is moving this week to Barlow where he had been sent to the six churches of the circuit.

Edward Turrill, who has been ill for the past two weeks, is reported to be improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turrill arrived home this week from Camp Breckenridge, Ky. Sunday. They attended a picnic at Zanesville where Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Mays arrived from Columbus. 

Tuesday, July 8, 1952:

There will be preaching at the Methodist Church Sunday 9:30. Bible School will follow.

Mrs. Elma Burm and Miss Bertha Burm visited Mrs. Dick Callihan last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. Dessa Northrope, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Berry and son, George, who is home from Korea, Miss Juanita Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Phillips and son visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall, Wednesday evening.

Miss Helen Weaver returned to Columbus Wednesday after spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Weaver.

Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Mayer visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Turrill, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and children attended the wedding of George Berry and Miss Juanita Hunt Sunday evening in Marietta.

Mrs. Beatrice Callihan and Mrs. Sallie Pitts spent Thursday shopping in Marietta.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and family and Mrs. James Blue spent Friday evening at the Lewis Hall home.

R. W. Campbell will preach at the Methodist Church Sunday evening.

Mrs. Dessie Northrope, Mrs. Gertrude Keifer, Earnest Kriger and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keifer and children spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall.

Tuesday, July 15, 1952:

 Bible School at the Constitution Church Sunday at 10 a.m.

Mrs. Lucile Hoffman of Council Bluffs and son, Jackie, arrived Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. Blanche Noland.

Mrs. Marian Rhodes visited at Mrs. James Blues Saturday.

Mrs. Nelson attended church here Sunday morning.

 Miss Helen Weaver arrived from Columbus to spend the weekend with her mother, Mrs. I. H. Weaver.

A. W. Campbell called on members of the church here Thursday.

The Live Wires will meet at the Marion Rhodes home Wednesday evening for supper.  Will be glad to have the Marietta folk meet with us at 230 Spring St. Don’t forget.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and family attended a picnic for their family at Parkersburg Sunday.  Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall came in the afternoon.

Thursday, July 24, 1952:

 Bible School at the Methodist Church Sunday, July 27 at 10 a.m.  Worship at 7:30 p.m.

Mrs. Lucile Hoffman and two children, Joan and Jackie, went Wednesday to visit at the Harley Noland home in Charleston.

The Live Wires met at the home of Marion Rhodes Wednesday with a large attendance. The next meeting will be held at the Ray Rhodes home.

A birthday party was held for Mrs. James Blue at the Lloyd Noland home in Marietta Saturday evening.  After supper was served by Ethel Mae Noland, gifts were opened. Present were the Noland family, Joan Hoffman, Ethel Mae, Marion and Nelson Noland, Mrs. Clara Weaver, Mrs. Blanche Noland and Mrs. Lucile Hoffman.

Mr. and Mrs. Harley Noland spent Sunday in Marietta visiting at the home of his brother Lloyd Noland.

Mrs. Leora Pinkerton spent Tuesday at the Helen Roush home.

Rev. Robert Weed of Marietta called on friends here Tuesday.

Wednesday, July 30, 1952:

Ground Broken For New School in Warren Township

The new Warren Twp. School located near Tunnel on Route 50-A got its first step toward materialization Tuesday evening when a ground-breaking was held on the school site.

C. D. Coffman, president of the Warren Local Board of Education, turned the first shovelful of earth, while other board members, Frank Cross, J. F. Briggs, Clarence Walter and S. G. Anderson, looked on. Viewing the ceremony also were Count Supt. C. L. McMahan, General Contractor W. H. Heiby, Robert Scott and Will Eesley, architects for the new building, and others.

The new structure, which will have eight classrooms, gymnasium, showers, toilet rooms, lunchroom and cafeteria, is the result of a bond issue passed by voters of the township on Nov. 6, 1951. Total amount of the new building is $356,495.

When completed the new school building will replace seven one-room buildings now in use.  Grades one to eight inclusive will attend.  Buildings which the new one will replace include Constitution, Grandview, Moore’s Junction, Pinehurst, Riverview, Tunnel and Turkey Hen. 

Wednesday, August 6, 1952:

Bible School at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taylor and children, Jean Ann and Eddie of Bloomingburg called on Mrs. James Blue Tuesday.

Mrs. Lucile Hoffman and children, Joan and Jackie, who have been visiting her mother, returned to their home at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Saturday.

Mrs. Beatrice Callihan spent Wednesday in Parkersburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and children, Donna and Janet, were at Painesville to visit her sister.  The sister and children returned with them.

Mrs. Jack Turrill returned form Washington, D. C., where she has been with her husband who left for foreign duty last week.

The Live Wires will have supper at the Ray Rhodes home Aug. 12. Serving will begin at 5:30.  Come and set with us, you will enjoy it.  We will enjoy serving you.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward and son of Beverly visited Sunday evening at the Ralph Hall home.

Tuesday, August 12, 1952:

Bible School will be conducted at the Methodist Church Sunday, Aug. 17, at 10 a.m.

Worship service at eight o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rhodes and children visited Monday night at the home of Mrs. James Blue.

Mrs. Helen Turrill and son, Terry, visited Sunday at the Alonzo Turrill home.

Mrs. I. H. Weaver, Blanche Noland and Willard Weaver were in Belpre Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and children and Mrs. Garnet Pratt and children spent Sunday at the Pratt home in Morganville, W. Va.

Mrs. Nelda Hall spent Wednesday in Marietta.

The Live Wires will hold their meeting at the Ray Rhodes home in Marietta, 1102 Fourth St.  Supper will be served at 5:30.  So come and enjoy it.  We will enjoy meeting you.

Mrs. Mary Wilhelm and son, Eddie, of Marietta, called Sunday at the Mrs. James Blue home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall spend Saturday in Marietta.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blue of Marietta called at the Mrs. James Blue home Sunday evening. 

Friday, August 22, 1952:

Bible School will be conducted at the Methodist Church Aug. 24 at 10 p.m.

Mrs. Sallie Pitts and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Callihan called at the C. B. Riffle’s home at Belpre Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Willard Weaver and Mrs. Blanche Noland attended the funeral of Noah Weaver at Rockland Tuesday.

The supper at the Ray Rhodes home Wednesday was a very enjoyable affair.

Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Turrill and children, Penny and Charlotte and son, Terry, spent Sunday in Charleston.

Mrs. Jack Turrill celebrated her birthday Saturday evening with a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Roberts.

Willie Roush celebrated his birthday Tuesday at his home.  His mother helped serve the dinner and he received a number of presents.

Mrs. L.  A. Wagner of  Marietta visited Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. James Blue. 

Wednesday, September 3, 1952:

Bible School will be held at the Methodist Church Sept. 7 at 10 a.m.

Miss Helen Weaver of Columbus spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Weaver.

Charles Weaver of Ravenna visited at the Weaver – Noland home over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and children attended the fair Monday evening.

Mrs. J. Blue attended the missionary meeting at the Mrs. Ada Hanna home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Mayes of Columbus spent last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hilma Turrill.

Mrs. Mary Coffman and daughter, Miss Ruth Coffman, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., called at the Reid home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall and daughter, Mrs. Mary Lee, spent the weekend in Akron visiting relatives.

Friday, October 10, 1952:

Bible school will be conducted at the Methodist Church Sunday, Oct. 12, at 10 a.m. Worship at 7:30 by Rev. R. Campbell.

Mrs. J. H. Weaver and Mrs. Blanche Noland spent Saturday night at the Lloyd Noland home at Riverview.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and children shopped in Parkersburg Saturday.

Cecil Ritchie was taken to Marietta Memorial Hospital Saturday.

Mariam Noland spent Monday with her grandmother, Mrs. Blanche Noland.

Mrs. Helen Roush and son, Pete, spent part of last week at the home of her daughter, Freda Mercer, of Marietta.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hardin of New Castle, Ky. and Mrs. Forester Farley of Marietta called at the Mrs. James Blue home Wednesday afternoon.

Lloyd Noland has moved his family to Riverview.

Wednesday, October 15, 1952:

Bible School will be held at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m.

Mrs. Nelda Hall and daughter, Janet, spent Thursday in Marietta.

Mrs. Beatrice Callihan spent Thursday shopping in Marietta.

Mrs. Bessie and Bernice Nelson recently attended church at Vincent.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rhodes and children attended church here Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Harley Noland and children of Charleston, W. Va., visited at the Noland home Friday evening.  Mrs. Clara Weaver and Mrs. Blanche Noland returned home with them Saturday to spend a week.

Mrs. Garnet Goldswain and Mrs. Earl Ellis and daughter of Marietta, called Wednesday on Mrs. James Blue.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noland and children were supper guests Friday evening of his mother, Mrs. Blanche Noland.

Saturday, October 25, 1952:

Preaching at the Methodist Church at 9:30 by the Rev. R. W. Campbell. Bible School will follow this service.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rutledge of Minerva spent last week at the Nelson home.

Mrs. Clara Weaver and Mrs. Blanche Noland spent last week at the Noland home at Charleston. They returned here Saturday accompanied by Harley Noland and son, Chuckie, who returned to their home Sunday.

Mrs. Hester Hunter spent last week with her daughter, Francis, at Columbus.

Mrs. Jack Turrill of Rockland spent Friday at the Alonzo Turrill home.

Mrs. Willard Weaver is visiting this week at her mother’s home in Chillicothe.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seward on Oct. 16. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver of Ravenna, and Mrs. I. H. Weaver of Constitution.

The Alonzo Turrill home burned to the ground Tuesday. A few belongings were saved but their loss was heavy

Tuesday, November 4, 1952:

Bible School at the Methodist Church Sunday at 10 a.m. Preaching at 7:30 p.m.

Mr. and Mrs. George Masters and children visited Sunday at the Lewis Hall home.

Mrs. Bernice Roberts and Mrs. Wendell Counts of Lock 18 called at the Mrs. James Blue home Tuesday evening.

Clarence Roush spent Monday evening in Marietta attending a Halloween party.

Mrs. Frank Stanley and Jean and Allen of Marietta spent Monday evening at the Ralph Hall home.

Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Turrill, whose house was burned, have moved to Rockland. Their daughter Penny attended Sunday School here Sunday.

A Halloween party was held at the school house Thursday evening and was well attended.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stevens of Marietta called at the Mrs. James Blue home Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. F. H. Weaver, Mrs. Blanche Noland and son, Lloyd, were in Belpre and Parkersburg Tuesday evening.

A. W. Campbell called on members of his church here Monday.

Friday, December 19, 1952:

Bible school will be conducted at the Methodist Church Sunday, Dec. 21, at 10 a.m.

Mrs. Sallie Pitts and Mrs. Beatrice Callihan shopped in Marietta Thursday.

Mrs. Clara Weaver, Mrs. Blanche Noland and Mrs. Lloyd Noland and children shopped in Parkersburg Tuesday.

Mrs. Johnie Weaver spent Sunday afternoon visiting at the home of Mrs. James Blue.

Mrs. Hester Hunter, who has been in Marietta Memorial Hospital for several days, is now home.

The Live Wires are having their Christmas program at the Methodist Church Tuesday evening, Dec. 23.  The public is invited.  There will be a short program by the young folks followed by a pageant.  You will enjoy the music so be sure to come.

Darrell Wright and sister, Mrs. Violet Goudy of Marietta, visited Tuesday evening at the Ralph Hall home.

Constitution News - 1887

From The Marietta Weekly Leader, Tuesday, January 4, 1887:
  • Christmas day passed off very pleasantly. Santa Claus brought a cheerful smile and a full supply of useful presents to both the old and young of our little village.
  • Mrs. Charles Cone is on the sick list.
  • Mrs. George Bailey spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Stapleton, of Vienna, W. Va.
  • Misses Kittie Warner and Adda Irish of Marietta were the guests of Misses Ella and Alice Blackington recently.
  • Miss Linnie Cone spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Henry Harmish of Parkersburg.
  • Mr. Gage Buell of Marietta spent a few days last week very pleasantly in the family of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Reynolds.
  • Miss Lizzie Ward and little nephew, Tommy Dye, spent part of last week with Mrs. Ward of Tunnel.
  • Mr. Jake Thorniley of Marietta was seen at this place on Tuesday.
  • Most of the young men from this place have the railroad fever. We think they will soon get over it, however, and be glad to come back home again.
  • Our school began Monday. Number of pupils enrolled 62. Mr. McBride of Matamoras is teacher.
  • Mr. H. C. Crooks spent Christmas with his brother James at Chillicothe.
  • Miss Mollie and Harry Zearing have been confined to the house with measles for the past week.
  • Mrs. Lyman Hart is very poorly at this writing with paralysis.
  • Mr. Sandy Blue left for Cincinnati Christmas eve to visit his sister, Mrs. Luther Dutton.
  • Mr. Ralph Roush is on the sick list.
From The Marietta Weekly Leader, Tuesday, September 13, 1887:
  • Farmers are busy getting their wheat ground in order.
  • Quite a number from this place attended the Parkersburg fair; they report it very good.
  • Miss Emma Reynolds spent last week with Misses Carrie and Bettie Uhl of Boaz, West Virginia.
  • Miss Ella DeVine of Cutler commenced her school at this place Monday.
  • Miss Lou Dye and brother Vick of Cow Run spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Middleswart.
  • Miss Linnie Cone is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. F. Harnish of Parkersburg.
  • Miss Fannie Reynolds left for Little Muskingum Thursday, where she expects to spend several weeks among her many relatives and friends of that place.
  • Mrs. Edna Dye and Charlie Middleswart of Lower Newport were the guests of Clarence Middleswart last week.
  • Some of the young folks of this place attended a melon and ice cream party which met at Mrs. William McDougle's Thursday evening in Virginia. They report a good time.
  • Miss Davis of Cincinnati is the guest of Misses Lucy and Nellie Hart at this writing.
