
June 10, 2024

Constitution News - 1887

From The Marietta Weekly Leader, Tuesday, January 4, 1887:
  • Christmas day passed off very pleasantly. Santa Claus brought a cheerful smile and a full supply of useful presents to both the old and young of our little village.
  • Mrs. Charles Cone is on the sick list.
  • Mrs. George Bailey spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Stapleton, of Vienna, W. Va.
  • Misses Kittie Warner and Adda Irish of Marietta were the guests of Misses Ella and Alice Blackington recently.
  • Miss Linnie Cone spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Henry Harmish of Parkersburg.
  • Mr. Gage Buell of Marietta spent a few days last week very pleasantly in the family of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Reynolds.
  • Miss Lizzie Ward and little nephew, Tommy Dye, spent part of last week with Mrs. Ward of Tunnel.
  • Mr. Jake Thorniley of Marietta was seen at this place on Tuesday.
  • Most of the young men from this place have the railroad fever. We think they will soon get over it, however, and be glad to come back home again.
  • Our school began Monday. Number of pupils enrolled 62. Mr. McBride of Matamoras is teacher.
  • Mr. H. C. Crooks spent Christmas with his brother James at Chillicothe.
  • Miss Mollie and Harry Zearing have been confined to the house with measles for the past week.
  • Mrs. Lyman Hart is very poorly at this writing with paralysis.
  • Mr. Sandy Blue left for Cincinnati Christmas eve to visit his sister, Mrs. Luther Dutton.
  • Mr. Ralph Roush is on the sick list.
From The Marietta Weekly Leader, Tuesday, September 13, 1887:
  • Farmers are busy getting their wheat ground in order.
  • Quite a number from this place attended the Parkersburg fair; they report it very good.
  • Miss Emma Reynolds spent last week with Misses Carrie and Bettie Uhl of Boaz, West Virginia.
  • Miss Ella DeVine of Cutler commenced her school at this place Monday.
  • Miss Lou Dye and brother Vick of Cow Run spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Middleswart.
  • Miss Linnie Cone is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. F. Harnish of Parkersburg.
  • Miss Fannie Reynolds left for Little Muskingum Thursday, where she expects to spend several weeks among her many relatives and friends of that place.
  • Mrs. Edna Dye and Charlie Middleswart of Lower Newport were the guests of Clarence Middleswart last week.
  • Some of the young folks of this place attended a melon and ice cream party which met at Mrs. William McDougle's Thursday evening in Virginia. They report a good time.
  • Miss Davis of Cincinnati is the guest of Misses Lucy and Nellie Hart at this writing.


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